Thursday, January 29, 2009


Yep, it’s my Nin (my sister Leven).

I’m so glad we finally found a time to catch up. Despite the physical distance between us, we get together and it’s like we never missed a beat. And I love watching her grow into a woman. When I was watching Winnie the Pooh with her (or Barney when she would make me), I could have never imagined the lives we would end up leading. But tonight it dawned on me, I know exactly how and why we are here.

After hearing her stories, I would give anything to be 18 in LA again, and at the same time, I’m so happy not to be 18. It’s a good thing we actually never have to make the “if I could be young again” decision.

More “deep thoughts by Mary”. Maybe I’m just being cynical (me? no!) but I feel like she’s trying to improve her “image” right now by hanging out with her sister, who has managed NOT to make a PR mess of her career before she even really has one.

This pose is for Mary what this pose is for Julia.

Played. Contrived. etc.

1 comment:

  1. Yep, it’s my Nin (my sister Leven).

    i bet she's never called her that (nin) to her face in her life
