Monday, January 26, 2009



“I saw your video on your blog today and I have to say I was appalled. It’s awful that you’re promoting that kind of frivolous, unnecessary behavior to young girls, not to mention that you don’t NEED any of that. You’re 26 or something, right? That’s tragic.” — Reader

Frivolous - You can argue anything is frivolous.

Promoting - Not what I am doing. I’m telling you what I do to/for myself.

26 - Why should age factor into how you look naturally (or unnaturally)? Has anyone seen Benjamin Button?!!! Ok, that was a bad joke. But some people aren’t blessed with ageless skin and have the desire to correct it. I don’t think there should be shame in that. Yeah it sucks our society judges people on looks or that we care about our appearance. It’s just the way it is. Some parts I buy into (a little restylane to fill a wrinkle) other things I’m okay with (being confident with my boyish figure).

You decide for yourself.


It’s this kind of apathy, and this kind of “if you can’t beat ‘em join ‘em” attitude that keeps these pressures and unrealistic expectations going in the first place. And it’s strong women who truly ARE confident in who they are in their own skin who change that slowly but surely, by showing that what is natural and HEALTHY is truly, wholly beautiful.

You, though, are Scary from the inside out. And this post is just example #48954686.

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