Monday, February 2, 2009


This is actually the outfit I wore the last day of WEF. Yes. To the conference. I wanted to go tobogganing, and I only planned to go to the Conference Center to say hello to a few people and maybe watch one session, but that turned into (what felt like) 25 people and (what felt like) fourteen sessions, and all told, for about five hours I slugged around as the ONLY PERSON THERE in ski gear amongst Serious People in Business Suits. Sigh.

That said, I have never in my life been more comfortable. Ever.

So actually? I’m going to chalk that up as a WIN.

Rather than take advantage of this sure-to-never-happen-again-after-the response-you’ve-received opportunity to learn and absorb as much as possible by actually attending the conferences, rather than give us any actual coverage on what you are seeing and doing and learning other than the quality of the food and accommodations… we get even more vanity shots that show us nothing but you dressed unprofessionally at one of the most well respected events in your field. Somewhere recently I read an article where you used the word “journalism” as a descriptor for NS. But Julia, all we are really getting from you is a narrated Flickr.

PS: Where’s Mary? Don’t you have an inkling as to what’s going on over here? Any networking you are doing over there is only going wind up embarrassing you, once they check out your actual website and see how things are going. Your priorities are out of whack.

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