Monday, January 26, 2009

Mary Tries To Do "Her Job" (FAIL)

Mary’s “job” is to be a professional style blogger. Let’s talk about this for a moment. Right now, we are in the thick of awards season. This is the time for a GOOD fashion blogger to get a ton of hits with some really great coverage, whether it be tongue in cheek or an educated critique. Thus far, we have had the Golden Globes and the SAG Awards.

Mary blogged the Golden Globes 4 days late, and her “critique” was lazy and left much to be desired for someone who took 4 extra days to write her coverage.

Last night, the SAG awards. Mary didn’t even watch it. Then, still lazy, she goes searching on the web for pictures of what everyone was wearing. Because she was doing this as the show was still airing, the only pictures she could find were of LAST YEARS SHOW.

She posted a “critique” slamming what everyone had on: LAST YEAR. Oh Mary, how HARD YOU WORK!

Today, we get to see her shoddy “coverage”:


I find it disrespectful that a pretty much unknown overall “fashion blogger” who waits til the next day to post coverage of an awards show she didn’t even watch thinks she can refer to these celebrities on a first name basis. Here’s what she had to say about “Eva”:

I love Eva in bright colors, but this tangerine chiffon frock overwhelms her. It kind of looks like an ABS knock off of what she actually wore on the carpet. Add in that hair do and Eva appears 10 years older.

Um. An ABS knockoff? Honey everything you wear is either a knock off or a hand me down. If you think “Eva” looks 10 years older, I wonder what you see when you look in the mirror.

On Evan Rachel Wood:

Many actresses like Evan Rachel Wood looked stunning, but played it safe. After the showing at The Golden Golbes, “safe” is a win in my book.

Everything you wear, EVERYTHING you wear, is “safe”. Your entire wardrobe is made up of “classics” but there is nothing exciting, unique, or creative in what you do with those pieces. And no, belting a 6 year old skirt to look like a dress does not qualify.

On Rosario Dawson (who she didn’t even NAME!):

Hmm…this is a toughy. Let’s go with the dress looks better in person and we wish she had chosen a lighter lipstick.

How do you even KNOW what the dress looked like in person? YOU DIDN’T WATCH THE SHOW! You were watching Grey’s when it was airing. Wow.

On Angelina Jolie:

This is the second sack dress in a row Angelina! Yes, the adage holds true for you. You could look beautiful even in a burlap sack. But it’s just a phrase. Show us a real dress!

I don’t really think I need to point out the tattoos and what a disaster they are. I wonder if she knows that??

She is a mother now and I respect the fact that she carries herself as such. And pull the stick out of your ass. Almost everyone I know has at least one tattoo, and if you had one you would understand that each one is a very personal symbol. Why do you think you can sit in judgement of others appearances and choice in clothing when you yourself are a hot mess. I wonder what you would say about YOURSELF, considering what you have to say about an icon such as Angelina.

A few more of Mary’s “critique’s”:

Holy cow Kate. You look like you were born to wear this Narciso Rodriquez gown. The subtle hair, makeup and jewels really allow this dress to shine.

Anne and Christina also won me over instantly with their bold choices. These dresses have character but don’t go overboard. Although, I would have gone without the necklace.

“Holy cow”?? This is a professional style blogger, who waiting until the next day to post award show coverage? That’s the best you can do? “Holy cow”?. WTF? FYI: Most fashion bloggers do not go toooo in depth on award show coverage because they are trying to post as quickly as possible to be the first one on Google with coverage. If you have all night and the next day, your critique’s NEED to be more in depth, sophisticated, and well written OR YOU ARE ADDING NOTHING TO THE CONVERSATION.

And that necklace Christina Applegate is wearing MAKES that outfit. Of course YOU would have gone without it, you are BORING!

Stop saying how hard you work. You don’t “work” at this at all. Anyone can slap a lazy post together. Obviously.

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