Thursday, February 19, 2009

True colors.


  1. I mean, it must be pretty obvious to most people by now that she's on a track to become a kind of Joan Rivers character, minus the humor? She even resembles Joan's daughter. It's like she's 70 on the inside, shouting at people on the red carpet.

  2. ::rawr!:: (my interpretation of the pose)

    Honestly, I wish she would style herself as a newer, younger, funnier JR--we need a new one! Let the JA loose and be her ridiculous self! I think she'd be happier.

  3. The Joan Rivers comparison sounds like a reasonable parallel, actually. I can already imagine the "Julia Allison range of headbands, bows, and baubles!" available on QVC.

    She'd be perfect for QVC. Why hasn't her agent thought of that?

  4. Sadly I think she IS being her ridiculous self.

  5. Caption:

    "seriously guys, i want my cupcake THIS BIG. dont Bulsh*t me with those little snackie cakes like last time or your F.I.R.E.D"

    -this i'snt a dig at her weight (i know you dont like that) more just like trying to be a Deeevah

  6. Caption #2 :

    "so like, i interviewed Blair from Gossip Girl and i wanted her headband so bad that i just snatched for it like this. har har, good times. good times. then she got a restraining order. BLERG :( ."

  7. Cupcake comments are just fine with me. ;)
